Friday, May 29, 2009

Mexican Dental Care

This is going to be a multi-blog weekend. I can see it coming. We have so much going on in the next few days and it is always fun to share the good, the bad & the interesting with all our friends.
Today's topic is Mexican dental care. I broke a crown several months ago in Tenacatita (honest, Mom, I was only eating Cheetos...the puffy kind!) so I needed to get that replaced. In addition, I have two teeth that have begun to let me know they are there. In La Paz I went to a dentist but we weren't going to be there long enough to get any work done beyond cleaning so I still needed to get this taken care of before we leave Mexico. After all, who can afford dental in the States?? Even with insurance it is phenomenally expensive. Last Friday evening we were hanging out with Chris' friends from Tucson Sailing Club and Stu mentioned that he'd just had 3 root canals done that day by a great dentist in San Carlos. He was in the chair for 3 hours and that evening was feeling endorsement I could appreciate. So, Monday morning, on our way to Guaymas we stopped to see if I could get an appt and was told to be back that afternoon. Whoa! Well, OK. I was prepared for the old x-ray/evaluation deal with another appointment so imagine my shock when Dr. Martinez did the exam, said I needed 2 root canals (jeez I hate getting old) and did the first one right then! He gave me a prescription for antibiotics as I had a slight infection beginning and some pain pills and told me to return on Thursday. Yesterday he did the 2nd root canal, did some more prep on the 1st one, removed the broken crown, did impressions, and told me he is there 24 hrs a day so if I have ANY problems to come back any time. Oh...and did I mention that he is drop dead gorgeous???? Can you say Fabio look alike?? Another nice touch is that he stops working frequently so you can relax your jaw while he massages it. Yesterday he worked on me for 2-1/2 hours and in the middle he took a break and had a masseuse come in to apply hot & cold packs and massage my face & jaw. Wonderful! I have had zero pain or problems but today Chris & I were hard at work on the boat when who should come walking down the dock to check on me but Dr. Martinez! OK...I ask you...when was the last time your American dentist made a house call to check on how you are doing?? I suspect your answer will be the same as mine - NEVER! I'm betting your next question is "How much is this all costing?". Well, it is $1600 U.S. Considerably less than two root canals and 3 crowns would cost in the States. Oh...and did I mention that he is lovely to look at????


DMC Friend said...

I had the same sort of experience with Dr. Hiram C. Martinez, except I missed the georgeous part - didn't notice. He is the one that wanted to trade me the root canal work for my kayak. Good guy.

John and Rosie said...


What a wonderful opportunity you have to sail on the Carinthia this summer! Have a wonderful time. We "two eager dreamers" will be bringing our new boat back to Mexico in November. Hope our paths cross. We love Mexico but expecially all the good folks we met. We are in British Columbia and will set the shrimp pot down in hopes of a feast. Hi to Chris and Patti. Rosie and John

Linda Sails said...

so where is the picture of Dr. Gorgeous????? It is not nice not sharing.....
you just gotta share....

Unknown said...

About mexico Dentists Cabo dentist,is accredited in several specialties and has
a clinic with new equipment including dental chair,intra-oral camera,laser
whitening equipment,digital sterilizer and more.He works alone,has low overhead
and the dental tourist will pay less as a result.And he's not always open -
being a specialist - he's on-call at the local hospital for maxillofacial emergencies.

Dentist in Puerto Vallarta
dentist Puerto Vallarta
Puerto Vallarta dentist

Unknown said...

About mexico Dentists Cabo dentist,is accredited in several specialties and has
a clinic with new equipment including dental chair,intra-oral camera,laser
whitening equipment,digital sterilizer and more.He works alone,has low overhead
and the dental tourist will pay less as a result.And he's not always open -
being a specialist - he's on-call at the local hospital for maxillofacial emergencies.

Dentist in Puerto Vallarta
dentist Puerto Vallarta
Puerto Vallarta dentist