Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Warmer in Bodega Bay

Bodega Bay! Where "The Birds" was filmed. This was the one place I really wanted to see on my first trip to San Francisco but we weren't able to enter as we were in a big storm.
The trip down from Eureka was wonderful. NO wind at all (which was quite fine since we had to motor anyway due to the ripped mainsail) and the ocean was like a big mirror the whole way. What a relief! I was very stressed about having to round Cape Mendocino but it was a piece of cake. The passage from Eugene was 30 hours and we arrived yesterday before sundown. We are in a nice, big single slip so I am going to work on getting the hull washed & waxed tomorrow. After we arrived we kept hearing water gurgling and the bilge pump running and it turned out the set screws in the dripless shaft seal had come out (and disappeared)! Chris managed to get the water leak stopped and we've ordered new parts from West Marine in Sausalito - they promise delivery at 11am tomorrow. Since it takes 8 hrs to get from here to San Francisco and we want to arrive in the daylight and with the right tide we won't be leaving until the next day.
We had lots of really cool experiences on the passage this time.
During my 3:30-5:30 am watch, a tiny green & yellow Finch flew into the cockpit and ended up resting under the dodger for a few hours before taking off again. The poor little guy was totally exhausted.
Also, during that watch we had some dolphins come play but it was dark so all I saw was the occasional back & dorsal fin when they came up to breathe.
Chris says he saw a 15' shark swim next to the boat for a bit during his night watch. I'm glad it was him & not me! I think I would have about jumped out of my skin!
Shortly after I took over at 9:30 am a good sized pod of dolphins came and played around the boat for a good 15 minutes. Patty & Chris came up to see them and we were all really excited. Then, not more than 15 minutes after they left, Patty & Chris had gone below and I saw something up ahead. Turned out to be two Humpback whales! I hollered at Chris & Patty to come back up and look as the whales were passing right in front of the boat. And I do mean RIGHT in front of the boat! The first one went across & went down and then we thought we were surely going to hit the second one but he not only barely made it, but as he was diving down, he lifted that huge tail. We we convinced he was going to hit the port bow but he didn't. I am STILL kicking myself for not getting a photo!! It was just so exciting to see them that I didn't even pick up the camera!
It is warmer and drier here (tho' by no means balmy) and we are all happy not to have to wear 6 layers of clothing day & night. I'll attach a photo of me on watch (if I look tired & cold that's because I was) and a photo of the view from 5 miles off shore. Now that we are past Cape Mendocino and below Latitude 39 things will only get better from here!

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