Monday, September 29, 2008

Sight seeing

Yesterday was a day to be tourists and we had a great time. Most of the day was spent wandering Fisherman's Wharf, Pier 39 and Ghirardelli Square. I was amazed that, while the sea lions have taken over probably 20 floating docks at Pier 39 they seem to stay off the few docks where the boats are. One boat at the Guest Dock was "Lilly" who was in Newport when we were. We toured the tall ship, Balclutha, a 256' steel hulled square rigger built in 1889 to carry cargo around Cape Horn among other places. Later on we drove to Sausalito to join Chris' cousin and wife (Steve & Judy) for dinner and anchored there in Richardson Bay was Tom Perkins' state of the art sailing yacht, Maltese Falcon. This ship, which was also built as a square rigger albeit with push-button controls, is 289' long and has 3 masts with a bridge clearance of 191'. The contrast between the two is, of course, stunning. I understand that when the Falcon arrived in San Francisco Saturday at low tide they only cleared the Golden Gate by 20'!! Today we are back to doing some projects tho' the list has dwindled considerably. I am still hoping to get the opportunity to take Chris & Patty to see the Wave Organ before we leave here Thursday morning.

1 comment:

fiona w said...

Sandy, just went online today and caught up with your travels. Who knew that when we met 15 years ago (OMG was it that long ago) snowplowing down the bunny slope at Timberline that you would be captaining your own sailboat to Mexico. Have a wonderful adventure - and remember us landlovers back home!