Saturday, April 19, 2008

April Snow???

Good grief! The prediction for this weekend is for cold temps and SNOW showers. When, exactly, is Spring supposed to be here? The poor trees and spring flowers are terribly confused and, after spending a week in lovely summer weather, I am very, very ready for winter to be gone. I've been counting down the working days I have left and hit 30 yesterday. Now I find myself slipping into moments of terror. I have always been a risk taker and can't remember a single one that has turned out badly but this one is huge. A leap of Faith, so to speak. The what if's pile up and push aside the dreams much more frequently these days. I know all will work out but sometimes the fear gets a little difficult to manage. Then it is time to remember the mantra I learned from Jimmy Buffett: "Leap and the net will appear" and stay focused on the prize!

1 comment:

Cleat said...

You know when you are loved when somebody loves you... and I do. -- Cleat