Tuesday, January 17, 2012


I wrote this a few days ago but haven't had time to post it before this so here goes:

We are finally southbound! As I write this, I am sitting in the waiting room of the Camping World in Vacaville, CA. I have to admit, having only blown by Vacaville on past journeys, I am quite surprised at what a modern, upscale burg it is. In case you are wondering why we chose to stop, the answer is quite simple. Just before the house closed the trailer’s heater went on strike. Since it was only a matter of days before we’d be moving into the house, the decision was made to buy a space heater for the trailer and put off repairing the furnace. Our first stop after leaving home, in Medford, OR, when the nighttime temperature dropped to 28°, made it abundantly clear that furnace repair was in our immediate future! Vacaville was the closest Camping World so here we are.
I never got around to writing the promised blog entry about the house, so here it is with a little travel mish mash worked in.
We had a grand time furnishing the house together. While we waited (and waited and waited) for the bank to do its thing Chris & I spent many days exploring furniture stores and learning about each other’s tastes. Not surprisingly, we generally have similar leanings when it comes to likes and dislikes with only a few big differences. One slight conflict was the size of the television. Chris wanted the 50” model and I was quite happy to “settle for” a much smaller version. He won that discussion but now that we have it mounted on the entertainment “wall” (IKEA special) I have to admit that a smaller one would probably have looked out of place.
An even grander time was entertaining family and friends over the holidays. Once we got the house “put together” we were able to host several parties (only the beginning I’m sure). We haven’t been home for Christmas in 3 years so it was a special treat to spend time with the kids and grandkids and actually be able to see them open their gifts. We have especially enjoyed being here to spend a little time with Chris’ first grandbaby, Asher. He was born September 26th and is growing so fast. By the time we get back next June he will likely be on his feet and running.
Abby has absolutely loved having her very own squirrel filled yard where she could run and pursue the enemy to her heart’s content. The windows in the living room are quite low to the floor so she is able to be on the look-out for squirrels, cats or guests. When she sees a cat or squirrel in front she immediately runs to the backdoor to be let out as she is just sure it will be there waiting to be chased. She has also discovered that there are lots of sunny spots on comfy carpeted floors where she can take an afternoon snooze.
Once all the work was done on the house and we had arranged for a house sitter, it was time to start readying the trailer for the trek to Mexico. That last week before we left home was exhausting just moving everything into the trailer, cleaning, writing lists and watching the weather to make sure we wouldn’t be skating through the mountains in mountains of ice and snow.
So, Tuesday morning we left Vancouver and spent that night in cold Medford. We were concerned about freezing fog going through the mountains so delayed leaving until 11 on Wednesday and the road were clear and dry. As a matter of fact, the only snow we saw was a very light dusting on the very tops of the mountains in the distance and Mt. Shasta had less snow than it did when we went north last June. I predict (weatherperson that I am) that if something doesn’t change soon there will be drought conditions in the northwest next summer.
By the time we reached Vacaville yesterday the temperature was in the 70’s and we were able to change into t-shirts. Hallelujah! It’s sure nice to be back in the land of Palm trees and sunshine.


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