Monday, September 12, 2011

Travels with Dad

Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attack and where was I? Spending an entire day on airplanes and in airports escorting my Dad to, of all places, Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. This next few days is the annual reunion of his Army unit (he serve in the Korean War) and he has attended every year. Mom used to love going along but about three years ago her Dementia had progressed to the point where she really can't make a trip like this. Dad is now deaf and walks with a cane so he is really not able to go by himself so the first year without Mom, his sister went along and last year his brother went. This year, since Chris & I were in Washington for the summer and had no big travel plans I volunteered to go. So here I am, in the biggest tourist trap I have ever seen, hanging out with a bunch of very fun people in their 80's and 90's.
Due to the jet lag, we have missed the continental breakfast today and all Dad's friends have likely already taken off for their scheduled activities. As soon as Dad is ready to go I'll take him to breakfast and then I MUST do some walking around and picture taking. This place is absolutely mind blowing. You have never seen so many cheezy "entertainments" on one street in your life. I was stunned when we were trying to find the Best Western among what has to be hundreds of hotels, restaurants and shopping/entertainment "opportunities". As we drove here from Knoxville (the loooong way due to bad directions from the rental guy and a serious lack of road signs) we were treated to views of a very beautiful state but this town is beyond the pale when it comes to tacky.
I hope I can find a Walmart as I forgot my comb (that's a joke, folks!).

1 comment:

Mita Kuuluu said...

Just like Cabo but with less blankets for sale!