Friday, February 25, 2011


Ten remain here now. When first we arrived there were five (including us) but there have been as many as fifteen. Hunkered down. Waiting. Making our way through the food and water we carry. Attempting to stay busy with entertainments even though most of our conscious thought is preoccupied with the weather. Some lower their dinghies and venture to shore but most don’t. Most are staying enclosed. Finishing up little projects. Doing the day-to-day chores. Reading books. Playing games. Watching movies. Putting a reef in the main. Getting everything ready and leaving only the smallest jobs to be done at the last minute…once the weather window opens. There is little radio contact between the boats. Mostly it is just comparing weather information. What they heard on the morning or evening net. How this one or that interpreted the grib files or weather websites. We all know first hand how nasty this leg can be. We all want to be safe. Have a comfortable passage. For me, the anxiety is raw as an open wound. Our previous attempt, four days ago, was wisely aborted. Uncomfortable and at times frightening. After that you tend to be more nervous about leaving a safe anchorage. Several have gone south (with the weather). Only three others have attempted the northbound challenge. One returned the next day. One had a very hard time and spent two days instead of one reaching his goal. The third…a macho uber-racer…must have made it as well but I’m sure the trip wasn’t much fun. Another opportunity seems to be presenting itself so all are preparing. Some will be leaving this afternoon. Others in the middle of the night. We have decided to wait for morning. Just to give the seas a few more hours to calm down. Hopefully it will be enough.

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