Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Foray to Punta de Mita

Yesterday Patty & I packed a few things in a tote bag and boarded a bus to go off to see what is happening in Punta de Mita...the other direction from our normal bus trips. Instead of traveling on the highway through dusty villages and busy towns we enjoyed a 20 minute trip through beautiful wooded hills with the turquoise bay at the bottom. This is a very upscale area and when we got off the bus the walk into town was reminiscent of Shelter Island with wide, palm tree lined sidewalks, Bougainvillea draped walls and large condos and hotels. "Town", however, is mostly a few restaurants and storefronts where you can purchase surfing lessons, a snorkeling or whale watching trip, or listen to a timeshare spiel in exchange for a free Margarita. We walked through town and then back along the beach until we came to a restaurant where there were chaise lounges you could use for free. After a lunch of tasty quesadillas we took a dip in the surf and then spent the afternoon on the lounges watching the beginning surfers and kids playing in the water, reading and having a cold beer delivered every so often. Doing this field research is hard work but we are happy to be of service to travelers who may be following in our wake!
A Canadian woman we met told us not to miss Sayulita (which is just up the road) so I definately see another road trip in our future!

1 comment:

DMC Friend said...

A "free" margarita is not so free when you rent out brain space that would otherwise be focused on things more enjoyable than a time share pitch. It sounds like you passed on the spiel. I run the other direction as fast as possible! We love to see the posts.