Friday, August 1, 2008

Chris' Guitar

What a great time we had last night! Last week I had asked Michael if he could locate a guitar for Chris to have on the boat since he'd had to leave his behind. I wanted to give it to him as a belated birthday gift. As it turned out, Michael had one he was willing to donate in exchange for being part of the crew on Faith from San Francisco to San Diego. We were already planning to include he & Finn on that leg so this was a very generous gift! He & Finn were to arrive around 6-ish with the guitar and Mary called at 4:30 wanting to come down to the boat for dinner so a party was in the works. When the gift arrived, Chris was very surprised and even shed a few tears of joy. Earlier in the day, Jimmy had stopped by and mentioned that he'd like to get together with Chris sometime to play guitars so I gave him a call and he rushed right down. Sue was staying on her boat and came over to join us and now the party was in full swing. The 3 guys played guitars (and spoons...who'da guessed?) and sang, we all laughed, talked, drank beer & wine, threw some meat on the BBQ and the party rolled on. These are the spontaneous fun times with friends I am really going to miss. But...I am sure there'll be no shortage of gatherings while we are cruising!


Craig said...

Hi Sandy,
Love youe blog. We'll be watching you. Best wishes for a safe passage and a great adventure.

Craig, Julie, & MAC The Wonder Dog

Lori said...

Hi Sandy,
I'm Patty's friend, Lori. So fun to read your blog and am so excited for your big adventure to begin! Thanks for talking Patty into starting a blog as well. I will see you on the 17th for the big send-off. All the best!